, the largest cost of living database just released its list of the least and most expensive cities in the world.
Numbeo lists the cost of living index (COLI) for 362 cities
Colombia has 3 in the top 64 lowest cost of living in the world.
No 53 Bogota with a COLI of 31.7
No 61 Cali with a COLI of 32.3
No 64. Medellin with a COLI of 32.4.
What does COLI mean ?
Numbeo collects data from hundreds of cities around the world as to the cost of living (rent, food, utilities, restaurants, transportation and much more). They add up all the prices to come up with a cost of living index that you can use to compare to other places.
For example, San Jose Costa Rica is No 189 with a COLI of 53.7.
So lets say you go to the grocery store in Bogota and spend $31.70.
Those exact same groceries would cost you $53.70 in San Jose, Costa Rica....almost double !
Let's look at some cities in the US.
The lowest cost city in the US is San Antonio, TX at No 276 with a COLI of 68.8 ....217 % higher !...more than double !